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ciri cewek alay apa gaul 
Tidak mau disebut alay, baik itu cewek alay, cowok alay atau maho alay? Atau tak sudi disebut orang alay? Maka hati-hati saat berpose dan foto, bisa-bisafoto kamu foto alay. Nah untuk menghindarinya, lihat ciri-ciri berbagai macamfoto foto alay berikut:

Baru belajar foto kayak alay
cewek alay

Supporter sepakbola juga ada yang alay, dibawah ini foto nya:
si alay

Duh...ini maho ya? fotonya juga alay
ciri cewek alay apa gaul

Udah deh, rata-rata Maho itu alay :
maho juga bisa alay

Dia kira foto nya nggak alay apa?
ciri cewek alay apa gaul

Inih foto alay versi Rock Star
anak kos Alay

Aduh.. nih anak kecil-kecil tapi udah alay
alay anak kecil
anak alay

Aduh.. tebak, inih jenis alay mana satu?
alay norak

Wah... paling eneg kalo lihat foto alay yg kaya gini
alay najis

Satu lagi yang-bikin eneg dari foto alay
ciri cewek alay apa gaul

Anak kos paling doyan foto gaya alay

Koran juga bisa jadi alay, nih foto nya:
Koran Alay

Kalo gini bole, alay tapi cakep
alay cantik

Ada juga cewek cakep tapi nggak suka foto fotoan kayak alay
alay foto

Banyak yang nggak suka alay banyak juga yang ngebela si Alay
si alay

Sangking ramainya yang suka foto foto dan nulis alay, ada pengkur tingkat ke - alay -an juga!
alay meter untuk mengukur alay

Setelah melihat foto foto alay diatas. Jadi..................
jadi situ alay

NB: Maaf jika foto kamu ada diantara foto foto alay diatas, semua foto foto alay tersebut kami kumpulkan dari berbagai sumber di internet

5B, 5 Hal yang Harus Dimiliki Cewek Gaul

cwe2 sekarang, kalo mau di bilang gaul harus memenuhi kriteria "5B"...
apa saja itu ?? cek this bro..

yess ! kamu harus punya BLACKBERRY !!! kalian pasti sering liat anak2 gaul nenteng2 BB biar bisa pamer.. hha konyol ya bro..

lalu kamu harus di BEHEL untuk meng"imut"kan diri kamu.. dan terlihat UP2DATE !!

setelah itu.. kamu mesti mempunyai rambut BELAH TENGAH !!!

lalu kamu harus meroko marlboro BLACK MENHOL biar disangka orang kaya..(?)

dan kamu harus BERFOTO DENGAN SLR biar kamu bisa ngeksis di fb

naaah..itu dia tuntutan buat bisa jadi cewe gaul jaman sekarang..
sekarang,kita liat rincian dana nya yuk ??

BB gemini = 3.000.000
behel permanen warna warni = 5.000.000
rambut belah tengah = ke salon aje.. paling ngasih 15.000 ke banci salonnya
marlboro black menthol = 11.000
DSLR Canon 1000D (paling murah aja ya) = 4.500.000

TOTAL = 12.526.000 !!!!



Ada-ada Saja! Khawatir Kiamat, Pemerintah Amerika Beri Tips Cara Atasi Zombie

Lembaga di Amerika Serikat (AS) memberikan konseling online untuk mempersiapkan jika banyak zombie gentayangan, menyusul beredarnya kabar bahwa kiamat sudah semakin dekat.

"Banyak macam bahaya di luar sana yang harus kita persiapkan. Misalkan banyaknya zombie yang berkeliaran," ujar salah seorang penulis artikel dari Asisten Ahli Bedah Umum Ali Khan di situs Pusat Penanggulangan Wabah (CDC).

"Anda mungkin tertawa sekarang, tapi jika itu nantinya terjadi Anda akan sangat senang membaca ini dan mungkin saja nanti anda akan belajar mengenai satu atau dua hal bagaimana mempersiapkan suatu keadaan darurat," tulis di blog tersebut.

Namun postingan yang lucu ini tidak membahas sama sekali mengenai kabar yang saat ini beredar mengenai kiamat yang akan terjadi pada Sabtu 21 Mei.

Blog tersebut menggaris bawahi para pembacanya untuk mempersiapkan peralatan darurat dan juga suplai seperti makanan dan minuman di rumah.

"Ini dilakukan untuk Anda bisa bertahan selama beberapa hari, sebelum menemukan lokasi bebas zombie," lanjut tulisan tersebut, seperti dilansir AFP.

Mengetahui rute evakuasi, memiliki tujuan untuk bertemu kembali dengan keluarga dan daftar nomor darurat merupakan hal yang terpenting yang harus dibuat dalam daftar.

"Jika zombie nantinya sudah mulai ada di jalanan CDC akan memulai penyidikan seperti halnya merebaknya wabah lainnya," janji blog tersebut. (okezone)

Tips Lengkap Mengetik di BB sepertinya jadi berita baik untuk anda yang gemar dengan fitur BBM. Karena ketika menggunakan Blackberry tidak sedikit waktu yang terpakai untuk melakukan pengetikan. Apalagi fitur unggulan BB seperti BBM dan Email tidak jauh dari kegiatan mengetik. Buat anda yang sering mengetik menggunakan PC , tentunya tidak asing dengan beberapa shortcut yang sering digunakan, misalnya Ctrl+C untuk copy dan lain sebagainya.
Tahukah anda? Blackberry sebagai ponsel pintar yang seharusnya dapat mengambil alih sebagian besar tugas komputer juga memiliki shortcut untuk memudahkan pengetikan anda.
Berikut beberapa shortcut yang bisa anda gunakan untuk mengetik :
1. Untuk mengakhiri kalimat dengan tanda titik, tekan tombol spasi secara berurutan. Huruf berikutnya otomatis menjadi kapital atau huruf besar.
2. Untuk mengetik huruf kapital di tengah kalimat, tekan huruf yang di maksud hingga huruf tersebut masuk kedalam ketikan.
3. Untuk mengaktifkan NUMLOCK, tekan tombol Alt dan shift kiri. Akan muncul simbol NUM Lock di sudut kanan atas layar.
4. Untuk mengaktifkan CAPS Lock, tekan tombol Alt dan shift kanan. Akan muncul simbol CAPS Lock di sudut kanan atas layar.
5. Untuk menon-aktifkan NUM Lock & CAPS Lock, tekan salah satu tombol Shift.
6. Untuk memasukkan karakter at (@) atau dot (.) ketika mengetikan alamat email, cukup tekan tombol spasi.
7. Untuk melakukan seleksi satu baris ketikan, tahan tombol shift dan usap trackball /trackpad ke kiri atau ke kanan.
8. Untuk melakukan seleksi ketikan per karakter, tahan tombol shift dan usap trackball /trackpad ke kiri atau ke kanan.
* Untuk membatalkan seleksi, tekan tombol escape.
* Untuk CUT ketikan yang di seleksi, tekan tombol shift dan delete.
* Untuk COPY ketikan yang di seleksi, tekan tombol Alt dan klik trackball/trackpad.
* Untuk Paste ketikan yang di CUT/COPY, tekan tombol shift dan klik trackball/trackpad.
"Mengetik di BB Image"
Selain beberapa shortcut tersebut anda juga bisa mengetikan beberapa kata di bawah ini, yang akan secara otomatis di gantikan dengan informasi seputar perangkat Blackberry anda :
1. Ketik ” myver ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi Blackberry dan versi OS yang anda gunakan.
2. Ketik ” mypin ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi PIN BB anda.
3. Ketik ” mynumber ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi nomer ponsel yang di gunakan.
4. Ketik ” LT ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi waktu/jam sesuai dengan waktu perangkat BB anda.
5. Ketik ” LD ” tanpa tanda kutip, akan di gantikan dengan informasi tanggal sesuai dengan waktu perangkat BB anda.
Informasi ini saya kutip dari Pulsa Magazine, dan sudah saya coba. Ternyata belajar mengetik di BB susah suah gampang ya? Tapi semuanya working kok. Mudah mudahan Tips LengkapMengetik di BB ini juga bisa bermanfaat buat semua pembaca.


===============================================Adit (Bass)     Rekti (Voc, Guitar)       Acil(Drums)      Farri (Guitar)
Period of formation. In this period, they met each other, played and hung up together, fought each other, rehearsed a lot, and wrote their song.
In 2004, The S.I.G.I.T. signed to Spills Records and released their self titled debut mini album (EP) and performed many bar gigs and venue. Their first single, Soul Sister soon became a local radio hits in Bandung and Jakarta. MTV Trax Magazine described them as “The Hottest Rock N Roll Band in town”.
By contributing on movie soundtrack for Catatan Akhir Sekolah (CAS), their fanbase grew rapidly. Did I Ask Your Opinion, finally became their first single to be broadcasted on MTV Indonesia.
After leaving Spills Records, they begun to spread their stage performance to bigger venue and region by their own.
NME described them as “Scorching, gonzo Zep Rock from our hot new Indonesian Friend”.  See and read the scanned page Here
Signed to FFWD and released “Visible Idea of Perfection” in December under FFWD’s sister label FFCUTS.
Signed to Australian Caveman! and released “Visible..” which distributed by Reverberation. They toured Australia in June to coincide the release date.
Appearing at SXSW 2009 in Austin Texas. Toured California and Hongkong. Released “Hertz Dyslexia” on June followed with biggest concert of their career attended by more than 3000 enthusiastic fans.

About Superman Is Dead
SID, punk rock pioneers of Bali, were born and bred in Kuta Rock City. The band is three chord attitude-heavy young men, by name : Bobby Kool (lead vocal, guitar, a dog lover and a graphic designer) , Eka Rock (low ridin' family man, beer drinker, laid back bass and backing vocal and a warm smilin' Rock 'N Roll bandman, IT warior) , Jrx (low ridin' beer drinking Rock 'N Roll prince charming, drummer and a hairwax junkie, Bar owner)
The name 'Superman is Dead' started its' evolution from Stone Temple Pilot's "Superman Silvergun". The name moved on to "Superman is Dead" cause they like the idea that there's no such thing as a perfect person out there.
SID actually stumbled together in '95, drawn by their common love of Green Day and NOFX. Their influences soon extended to the punk 'n roll genre a la Supersuckers, Living End and Social Distortion, and here they stay. They say what they wanna say, how they wanna say it. In your face, to say it precisely.
SID public image, self described, is "Punk Rock a Bali" (think raw energy of NOFX vs Social Distortion supersonically fueled with beer-soaked Balinese Rockabilly attitude).
History ? SID produced their first three albums independently (the boys worked years of crappy night jobs), with fabulous, small scale indie labels 1997 "Case 15", 1999 "Superman is Dead", 2002 "Bad Bad Bad"(mini album, 6 tracks).
In March 2003, SID finally signed with Sony-BMG Indonesia after extended negotiations regarding their right to sing the majority of their tracks in English and have full artistic rights over their 'image'!! With that decision they single handedly became the first band from Bali to be invited to sign with a major recording label in Indonesia, the first band in their nation (to my knowledge) to be recording majority of songs in English and the first punk band in Indonesia to get the national exposure and promotion that working with a major label in a third world country provides. And so the history of Indonesian Punk Rock begins!
And as for the question that everyone wants to know, the infamous bomb in Bali happened about 75 M from their home, hangout center, punk rock boutique, bar and rehearsal studio that is also Jrx' house, in the heart of Kuta.
After panel beating back the rolling doors of the studio and shifting a little debris, rehearsals continued as usual. Yeah, they saw a lot, it sucked big time, but its' not gonna stop 'em!
And where are they now? At the end of 2002, one of the more respectable music mags here cited SID as "The Next Big Thing" for 2003. With the release of their fourth album "Kuta Rock City" followed by major air play nationally and in some countries overseas, coupled with the instant popularity of their newest film clip.
SID suddenly find themselves touring continuously throughout Indonesia. Last week they were in four major Indonesian cities, on three islands, in 7 days! Sometimes playing for free at underground scene clubs, sometimes at street skate parties or alternative band festivals, at lots of universities and even occasionally at "classy" venues who would have probably denied them entrance years ago!
Which means more beers for all.
In 2003 SID even got a mention in Time Asia.
They also won a few music awards “MTV Awards for The Best New Artist 2003”, “AMI Awards for The Best New Artist 2003” and nominated again in “AMI Awards 2006 for The Best Rock Album”.
October 2007, they did an amazing Australian tour, 8 cities, 16 gigs, 33 days with their strong D.I.Y work ethic.

June – July 2009, Superman Is Dead held An American Tour, 16 Gigs in 16 cities. 11 gigs of them were the ‘ Vans Warped Tour’ and the last 5 gigs were ‘From Bali With Rock’. They did a very hard work to succeed this excited tour, had crossed the big land from westcoast to eastcoast and got back to westcoast.

SID had share stages with international bands such as International Noise Conspiracy, NOFX, MXPX and Hoobastank.
They remain proud, boys from the streets of Kuta with a love of punk rock, beers and a good time. Ready for whatever comes next, excited about the next gig.

• August 2002, Openning Act Hoobastank, Hard Rock Hotel, Kuta, Bali
• Superman Is Dead “Hot & Freaky People 2003” MTV Trax Magazine January 2003
• June 2003 Superman Is Dead “MTV Exclusive Artist of the Month”
• Double Platinum Sony Music for Kuta Rock City Album
• 2003, MTV Award “Most Favorite New Artist”
• 2003, AMI Award “The Best New Artist”
• 2004, SCTV Music Awards “The Most Famous Album Nominee, Pop Rock Category” for Kuta Rock City Album
• 2006, AMI Awards “The Best Rock Album Nominee” for Black Market Love Album
• 2006, “Superman Is Dead The Best Local Band” The Beat Awards.
• 20 the best Indonesian Album 2006 for The Black Market Love Album. Rolling Stones Magazine Januari 2007
• April 2007, SID Opening Act for American Punk Rock Band NOFX at Hard Rock CafĂ©, Kuta, Bali.
• Soundrenaline Sound of Change 2007 Jimbaran Bali, “Message of Change” Artist Nominee.
• 17 June 2007, Guest Star Artist “Final Gudang Garam Rock Competition” Jakarta
• October 2007, Superman Is Dead did an amazing Australian tour, 8 cities, 16 gigs, 33 days.
• 150 the Best Indonesian Album for Kuta Rock City Album. Rolling Stones Magazine, Special Collectors’ Edition Desember 2007.
• 50 Hype Things in Indonesian Music Industrial 2008 for Superman Is Dead.
• Trax Music & Attitude Magazine Edition Januari 2008.
• 2008, Openning Act MXPX Jakarta.
• “SID as a New Icons of Bali”. Yak Magazine Maret, April, May 2008.
• June 2009. Superman Is Dead American Tour. Played 11 gigs and cities of 'Vans Warped Tour' , and the last 5 gigs and cities were 'From Bali With Rock Tour'


2002 “White Town” Album “Bad Bad Bad” Director by Outsider Film
2003 “Kuta Rock City” Album ”Kuta Rock City” Director by Rizal Mantovani
2003 “Punk Hari Ini” Album “Kuta Rock City” Director by Ridwan
2004 “Muka Tebal” Album ”The Hangover Decade” Director by Outsider Film
2004 “Rock ‘N Roll Band” Album “The Hangover Decade” Director by Outsider Film
2004 “Disposable Lies” Album “The Hangover Decade” Director by Umum Production
2006 “Bukan Pahlawan” Album “Black Market Love ”Director by Eric Est Movie
2006 “Black Market Love” Album “Black Market Love” Director by Bob Calabrito
2007 “Menginjak Neraka” Album “Black Market Love” Director by Eric Est. Movie
2007 “Lady Rose” Album “Black Market Love ”Director by Eric Est. Movie
2007 “Goodbye Whiskey” Album “Black Market Love” Director by Outsider Film
2008, Superman Is Dead Rock-A-Bali Australian Tour 2007, Produksi outSIDer Inc, Format DVD, For Promotional Stuff Not for Sale
2009, " Kuat Kita Bersinar " Album " Angels and The Outsiders" Director by Patrick Effendy
2009, " Jika Kami Bersama- Featuring Shaggy Dog " Album " Angels and The Outsiders" Director by Patrick Effendy
2009," Saint Of My Life" Album " Angels and The Outsiders" ,A footage music video from SID American Tour 2009

Some Videos have been uploaded at Please click the URL to check'em out :


Case 15, 1995 , Produksi Independent Intertainment, Format Cassette
Superman Is Dead,1998, Produksi Rizt Clothing, Format CD & Cassette
Bad Bad Bad, 2002, Produksi Rizt Cloth.& Suicide Glam, Format CD (mini album)
Bad Bad Bad, 2002, Produksi Spills Record, Format Cassette

100% Attitude, 1999, Produksi Lunatic Records, Format Cassette
No Place To Get Fun, 2002, Format Cassette
New Generation Calling, 2003, Produksi Spills Record, Format Cassette
Video Kami “A Rock Society” 2006, Video Clip “Menginjak Neraka”, Produksi A Mild Live Production, Trend Setter Magz & The Blado Ent. Format VCD (Not For Sale)

Fantastic Bands, April 2005, Produksi Sony Music, Format CD & Cassette
Class Rock “Today’s Sensation”, Produksi Sony Music October 2004, Format CD & Cassette
A Mild Live Soundrenaline 2004, Produksi Sony Music & A Mild Live, November 2004, Format CD & Cassette
Planet Rock, Produksi Sony Music, August 2005, Format CD & Cassette

Kuta Rock City, 2003, Produksi Sony Music Indonesia, Format CD & Cassette
The Hangover Decade, 2004, Produksi Sony Music Indonesia, Format CD & Cassette
Black Market Love, 2006, Produksi Sony BMG Indonesia, Format CD & Cassette
Angels and The Outsiders, 2009. Produksi Sony Music Indonesia, format CD & Cassete

D’ BIJIS, Produksi Sonny Music & Class Movie, January 2007, Format CD & Cassette
Please visit our detail discography page : 
by: superman is